Training for Discipline & Parts of Self with Josh Mathe

Josh Mathe is passionate about squeezing every last drop from life, and helping others do the same.  He is the award-winning author of three books, including a new release entitled Forging Discipline: 12 months. 12 Challenges. 1 Badass You. He is a speaker, fitness expert, nutritionist, ultra-endurance athlete, and life adventurer. A serial entrepreneur, Josh is the co-owner of One10 Performance and Backyard Real Estate, and when not working with clients he spends his days running through the wilderness or lifting heavy things. Josh holds a Master’s of Science in Human Nutrition, and is a certified sports nutritionist (CISSN), Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES), and endurance coach.  He lives in Sacramento, CA with his wife and two crazy dogs. 

In this episode we discuss Josh’s new book, Forging Discipline: 12 months. 12 Challenges. 1 Badass You. We also explore more about his work with clients and how often he uses a parts-of-self method to explore people’s inner critic, inner nurturer, inner child, inner free child, and adult. This helps people connect to different parts of themselves when they are training. 


To connect and learn more about Josh check out:

IG: @smylingj

FB: Josh Mathe

Let’s connect…

IG: @brinn.langdale.lmft


Music: Wings by Nicolai Heidlas

Promoted by MrSnooze

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